Our Work

Wavecrest Films Logo

At Wavecrest Films, we have one mission: to create content that makes a positive social impact. It’s that simple. We consciously seek out brands, organizations and individuals who share our passion for spreading goodness around the globe.

Our speciality is creative, soulful storytelling – great nuggets of content that inspire audiences, move ideas forward and make a positive contribution to the media landscape. There’s enough noise already; we don’t care to add to it. We do, however, care about the messages we’re putting out there, and so we choose our projects carefully.

Whether we’re making films for clients directly, offering production services for foreign clients, or creating original works of our own, we put our heart and soul into all we do, and we love doing it!


Hi Everyone!

We’re thrilled to announce our latest Mindful Short, “A Good Day” — the next film in our series of Mindful Shorts (following Just Breathe”, “Release”, and “Into Light”).

“A Good Day” is an intimate portrait of SAMADHI, a mindfulness-based addiction recovery center in Kingston, NY.  It illustrates the power and necessity of a caring, compassionate community when healing from addiction of any kind. Screenings are underway both at festivals and at recovery centers around the country.

We made this film for people who struggle with addiction and are in need of tools to help them along their journey to recovery. With that in mind, please share the film with anyone you know who might benefit from watching it.

You might recall that last Spring we had started production on our 4th film, on Trauma, about survivors of gun violence learning mindfulness techniques through an 8-week MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) course taught by the University of California, San Diego. That film had to go on hold for a while due to complications while filming, so we forged ahead to the 5th and 6th films in the series until we can return to it – the 5th being ” A Good Day”.

Currently, we’re in production on what will be the 6th and final film of the series, on GRIEF, to show how mindfulness helps people once again find beauty in the world after devastating loss.

This film series has been a labor of love for years, and has reached millions of people around the globe, offering very practical mindfulness tools that can make a huge difference in just a few minutes. The films have been translated so far into French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Hungarian, Czech, and Italian — all for free.

Because we have been giving these away, the only way we can continue on making them is to ask for help — so please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Mindful Shorts series today: https://mindfulshorts.wedid.it/

Help Us Help Others!

In other news: Our years of traveling and collecting imagery, objects and whatnot along the way have resulted in some truly unique works of art. Check out our studio on Etsy to see what we’ve been up to, and maybe find a cool gift for someone you love: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WavecrestFilmsStudio

Be well, everyone. And be kind. Let’s all work on being better humans — the planet is demanding it of us.

Warm wishes,

Julie & Josh

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