We specialize in independent and advertising-related filmmaking,
bringing depth, artistry and originality to our own brand of storytelling.
At Wavecrest Films, we have one mission: to create content that makes a positive social impact. It’s that simple. We consciously seek out brands, organizations and individuals who share our passion for spreading goodness around the globe.
Our speciality is creative, soulful storytelling – great nuggets of content that inspire audiences, move ideas forward and make a positive contribution to the media landscape. There’s enough noise already; we don’t care to add to it. We do, however, care about the messages we’re putting out there, and so we choose our projects carefully.
Whether we’re making films for clients directly, offering production services for foreign clients, or creating original works of our own, we put our heart and soul into all we do, and we love doing it!
Hey, Everybody –
It’s 2025, and so far it’s not been easy. Here in LA, we’re experiencing historical loss and heartbreak as fires burn thousands of homes and acres of beautiful Southern California nature. So much loss, so much grief. We have a rough road ahead…
That said, we are proud to share with you our most recent Mindful Short film, “Broken & Beautiful” , (following “Just Breathe”, “Release”, “Into Light”, and “A Good Day”)
In “Broken & Beautiful”, a woman whose daughter was murdered in a mass shooting finds a way to piece her life back together. Using the Japanese art of Kintsugi as a metaphor for repair, this short documentary offers hope to anyone suffering from loss. We made this film for people who are having difficulty navigating grief, to show how a mindfulness practice can people once again find beauty in the world after devastating loss. Please share it with folks you know who might be suffering from any sort of loss.
The Mindful Shorts film series has been a labor of love for years, and has reached millions of people around the globe, offering very practical mindfulness tools that can make a huge difference in just a few minutes. The films have been translated so far into French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Hungarian, Czech, and Italian — all for free.
Because we have been giving these away, the only way we can continue on making them is to ask for help — so please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Mindful Shorts series today: https://mindfulshorts.wedid.it/
In other news: Our years of traveling and collecting imagery, objects and whatnot along the way have resulted in some truly unique works of art. Check out our studio on Etsy to see what we’ve been up to, and maybe find a cool gift for someone you love: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WavecrestFilmsStudio
Be well, everyone. And be kind. Let’s all work on being better humans — the planet is demanding it of us.
Warm wishes,
Julie & Josh
The 4th completed film in the Mindful Shorts series, "A Good Day" paints a tender portrait of a mindfulness-based addict...
Welcome to the Unknown. The coronavirus pandemic is affecting us all in a myriad of ways. Our short film, SURFING CORONA, is a lov...
N is for NATURE
Our short N is for Nature premiered on Sesame Street/HBO on May 9, 2020. The girl featured is the remarkable ShelbyO’Neil. Shelb...
The 3rd short film in our Mindful Shorts series, "Into Light" features 4 inspiring teens who use their mindfulness pract...
K is for KARATE
"K is for Karate", a film produced for our friends at Sesame Street, features members of the Dragon Team - a fierce kara...
Giusti Farms
Meet John Giusti, a 3rd generation farmer in Half Moon Bay, CA, and get a glimpse into the past, present and future of a family fa...
The warm, empathic Adriana Molina offers tools to foster parents on how to help their foster kids through challenging transitions....
G is for Grandparents
A tribute to the special role grandparents play in our lives, "G is for Grandparents" was produced for Sesame Street and...
The 2nd film in our series of Mindful Shorts, "Release" addresses Anxiety as experienced by middle school kids, and offe...
We've been big fans of cargo bikes ever since we first saw them in Europe a few years ago, and we've been waiting to find an Ameri...
Just Breathe
The viral hit "Just Breathe" features kids speaking candidly about anger and how they use mindfulness techniques to cope...
A MAD(libs) SUMMER — Expedia
What started out as a fun idea for our son's preschool class turned into a piece for Expedia. ...
Projects, Praise, Participate?
Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.
~ Denis Diderot
“Just Breathe”
A film on anger for elementary school kids.
A film on anxiety for middle school kids.
“Into Light”
A film on depression for high school kids.
“A Good Day”
A film on addiction for middle-aged adults.
“Broken & Beautiful”
A film on grief — for us all.
We are cycling through the stages of life, addressing a particular experience common for that age, and showing how a simple yet profound mindfulness practice can help people navigate the very real challenges of being human.
The films collectively have been seen millions of times online, in schools, and in training seminars around the world, and have thus far been translated into French, German, Portugese, Spanish, German, and more…ALL FOR FREE.
The impact this series is having is global; the only way we can continue is with your help.
Next up: A film on the SCIENCE of Mindfulness, specifically as it relates to trauma, designed for young adults.
We would so appreciate whatever assistance you can offer as we endeavor to help others cultivate inner peace in the midst of 21st century chaos.
Many thanks for your time & support. Please share this campaign with your friends, colleagues, family members, etc. Let’s do this together!
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
~ Anais Nin
Julie and Josh are storytellers. Their own story, and the spirit of their work, is driven by the power of vivid, creative filmmaking. Both self-taught photographers and avid environmentalists, they have combined their unique talents and experiences in film and video to pursue projects that give voice and visibility to the true stories of others. As co-directors and creative partners, they strive to craft distinct productions that tap into the issues of today, and the emotions of today’s audiences.
Julie Bayer
A lover of powerful stories with rich imagery, Julie spent the first part of her career gaining a solid understanding of the nuts and bolts of commercial production. For over ten years, she produced and oversaw countless commercial campaigns for others before moving into writing and directing projects of her own.
She, along with Josh, made her directorial debut with “Time & Tide”, a documentary about the impact of globalization and global warming on the tiny South Pacific nation of Tuvalu. The film garnered numerous film festival awards, screened internationally, and was broadcast in the US on PBS for seven years.
Julie's sensitivity to subject and subject matter was fully realized and recognized in the widely celebrated short film “Just Breathe” - a film about the power of mindfulness to transform anger, as articulated by a group of elementary school kids. The unscripted piece showcased on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday program in April 2015, screens regularly at international children's film festivals, and is used as an educational tool in classrooms and training seminars around the world, having so far been translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Hungarian.
Often with her hand in many pots, Julie is currently more than halfway through a six-part series of short films on mindfulness and mental health. She's also developing a children's TV series, while continuing to write screenplays, work on photography projects, and produce television commercials. When she’s not working, you can usually find her wandering in the hills, camera in hand and dog in tow, or somewhere hanging out with her tribe. She puts a tremendous amount of heart and soul into everything she does, and believes that the joy and beauty of filmmaking (and life itself, really) lies as much in the process of creative collaboration as in the actual completed projects.
Josh Salzman
Director of Photography Josh Salzman successfully straddles the seemingly incongruous worlds of documentary and commercial filmmaking. His skills for visual storytelling and creative collaboration have made him an invaluable asset to each project he dives into.
Josh has lensed several successful commercial campaigns for companies including Ford, Bank of America, Pepsi, Intel, Sprint, and Nokia, with acclaimed documentarians such as Stacy Peralta, Steve James, Jessica Yu, Robb Bindler, and more. He lensed actor/director Tim Robbins' feature documentary “45 seconds of Laughter,” and helmed “The Human Element,” (2018) about renowned photographer James Balog, who uses his camera to reveal how environmental change is affecting the lives of everyday Americans. He currently is working on a Netflix documentary about Harvard astrophysicist/author Avi Loeb and his search for extraterrestrial life, as well as two high-profile political projects that he is not allowed to talk about, so stay tuned for more...
Other past highlights include “Under the Gun” for director Stephanie Soechtig and Katie Couric, and “ForEveryone.Net” by director JessicaYu, both standouts from Sundance 2016. Also from Slamdance 2016, “Los Punks: We Are All We Have” by director Angela Boatwright. Other recent collaborations include two premieres from Sundance 2018: “The Devil We Know” for director Stephanie Soechtig, and “Inventing Tomorrow”, for academy award-nominee director Laura Nix.
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
~ Osho
“Just Breathe”:
Audience’s Choice, Best Short, Providence Children’s Film Festival, 2015
“Time & Tide”:
Golden Orchard Award, Best Documentary, Hawaii International Film Festival, 2006
Audience Award, Best Documentary, Sidewalk Film Festival, 2006
Best Documentary, Big Muddy Film Festival, 2006
ReelHeART Film Festival, 2006
“A Good Day”:
Best Social Issues Documentary, ReelHeArt Film Festival, 2024
Awards become corroded; friends gather no dust.
~ Jesse Owens
310.505.4619 (Julie) or 310.503. 5690 (Josh)
Venice, California